Dynamics Generalisation with Behaviour Foundation Models

Training Agents with Foundation Models Workshop

Scott Jeen & Jonathan M. Cullen

University of Cambridge, UK



  • Building RL agents that generalise to unseen dynamics is hard!
  • Behaviour foundation models (BFMs) can return optimal policies for any unseen reward function in principle [1]
  • Certain changes in dynamics functions can be codified as changes in reward functions [2]
  • Can we use a BFM to return policies for reward functions that represent changed dynamics? If so, we’d generalize to unseen dynamics functions!

Problem Setup

  1. Pre-train \(\pi(s,z)\) on offline dataset \(D_{\text{train}}\) from one env
  2. Collect datasets of transitions from \(N\) test envs \(\{D_{\text{test}}^1, \ldots, D_{\text{test}}^N\}\)
  3. Use \(\{D_{\text{test}}^1, \ldots, D_{\text{test}}^N\}\) to condition \(\pi(s, z)\) on test envs with changed dynamics

Method: Contextual BFMs

BFMs conventionally infer \(z\) from \(D_{\text{train}}\) via:

\(z \approx \mathbb{E}_{(s_t, a_t, s_{t+1}) \sim D_{\text{train}}} \big[R(s_t, a_t, s_{t+1}) B(s_t, a_t, s_{t+1})\big]\)

Key idea: downweight \(R\) for transitions not possible under changed dynamics

(a) \(\pi(s,z)\) is pre-trained (b) \(D_{\text{test}}\) is collected in each test env and transitions not possible in the train env are downweighted (c) \(z\) is inferred from \(D_{\text{test}}\) and passed to \(\pi(s,z)\).
  1. Collect \(\{D_{\text{test}}^1, \ldots, D_{\text{test}}^N\}\).
  1. Train classifiers \({\color{blue}{f_{(s_t,a_t)}}}\) and \({\color{red}{f_{(s_t,a_t,s_{t+1})}}}\) to distinguish between train and test envs.
  1. Calculate reward augmentation for each transition (from [2]): \({\color{green}{\Delta R}} = {\color{red}{\log p (test|s_t, a_t, s_{t+1})}} - {\color{blue}{\log p(test|s_t, a_t)}}\) \(- {\color{red}{\log(train | s_t, a_t, s_{t+1})}} + {\color{blue}{\log p(train | s_t, a_t)}}\)
  1. Infer z with augmented rewards:

\(z \approx \mathbb{E}_{(s_t, a_t, s_{t+1}) \sim D_{\text{train}}} \big[(R(s_t, a_t, s_{t+1}) + {\color{green}{\Delta R}}) B(s_t, a_t, s_{t+1})\big]\)

  1. Pass \(z\) to \(\pi(s,z)\)

Preliminary Results



✅ Contextual BFMs can return performant policies for dynamics not seen during training

❌ The classifier training sets need to be large (\(>10^6\) transitions) to achieve this (in our experiments)



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