Cullen and Allwood (2010)
Authors | Setting | Algorithm | Energy Efficiency | Data Efficiency | In-Situ |
Wei et al. (2017) | 5-zone Building | Deep Q-Learning | ~35% | ~8 years in simulation | ❌ |
Zhang et al. (2019a) | Office | A3C | ~17% | ~30 years in simulation | ✅ |
Valladares et al. (2019) | Classroom | Double Q Learning | 5% | ~10 years in simulation | ✅ |
Authors | Setting | Algorithm | Energy Efficiency | Data Efficiency | In-Situ |
Lazic et al. (2018) | Datacentre | MPC with Linear Model | ~9% | 3 hours live data | ✅ |
To scale to every building in the world, we must bypass expensive-to-obtain simulators and perform zero-shot control.
Find new methods that are as data-efficient as Lazic et al. (2018) (i.e ~ 3 hours of live data), yet perform as well as Wei et al. (2017) (i.e. ~ 35% reduction in energy)
System ID: Lazic et al. (2018)
Probabilistic Ensembles: Lakshminarayanan et al. (2017)
Trajectory Sampling, CEM and MPC: Botev et al. (2013) and Chua et al. (2018)
During a Commissioning Period, $\pi_{systemID}$ is a uniform random walk in control space, bounded to a safe range, with bounded stepwise changes:
$$ a^i[t+1] = \max\left(a_{min}^i, \min(a_{max}^i, a^i[t] + v^i)\right), v^i \sim \text{Uniform}\left(- \Delta ^i, \Delta^i\right) \; \; \; \; \; (1) $$where:
$a^i[t]$ is the value of action $i$ at timestep $t$, with $i \in \mathcal{A}$;
[$a_{min}^i$, $a_{max}^i$] is the safe operating range for action $i$; and
$\Delta^i$ is the maximum allowable change in action $a^i$ between timesteps.
Approximate one-step dynamics: $\tilde{f_{\theta}}: (s_t, a_t) \rightarrow s_{t+1}$
Output: $\tilde{f_\theta}(s_t, a_t) = \mathcal{N}(\mu_\theta(s_t, a_t), \Sigma_\theta(s_t, a_t))$
Randomised Ensemble: $\tilde{f}_\theta(s_t, a_t) = \frac{1}{K} \sum_{k=1}^K \tilde{f}_{\theta_k} (s_t, a_t)$, where $K=5$
Maximum Likelihood Estimation: $Loss(\theta) = \sum_{n=1}^N -\text{log}(P(s_n; \mu_\theta, \Sigma_\theta))$, where $N$=batch size
Stochastic policy: $\pi_{CEM}: \mathcal{N}_{\pi}(\mu_{t:t+H}, \sigma_{t:t+H})$
Sample action sequences: $a_{t:t+H}^u \sim \pi_{CEM} \; \forall \; u \in U$
Plan: $s_{t+H}^p = \tilde{f}_\theta(s_t^p, a_{t: t+H}^u) \; \forall \; p \in P$
Optimise: $\text{argmax}_{\boldsymbol{a_{t:t+H}}} \sum_{i=t}^{t+H} \mathbb{E}_{\tilde{f}_\theta}[r(s_i, a_i)]$
$H$ = MPC horizon length (20)
$U$ = no. of candidate action sequences (25)
CEM Iterations = 5
$P$ = no. of trajectory sampling particles (20)
$r(s_i, a_i)$ = reward
Experiments conducted in Energym, an open-source building simulation platform built atop EnergyPlus. We run tests in three buildings:
Mixed-Use | Offices | Seminar Centre | |
Location | Athens, Greece | Athens, Greece | Billund, Denmark |
Floor Area (m$^2$) | 566.38 | 643.73 | 1278.94 |
Action-space dim | $\mathbb{R}^{12}$ | $\mathbb{R}^{14}$ | $\mathbb{R}^{18}$ |
State-space dim | $\mathbb{R}^{37}$ | $\mathbb{R}^{56}$ | $\mathbb{R}^{59}$ |
Thermal Zones | 13 | 25 | 27 |
Sampling Period | 15 minutes | 15 minutes | 10 minutes |
Controllable Equipment | Thermostats & AHU Flowrates | Thermostats | Thermostats |
We compare the performance of our agent against several strong RL baselines, and an RBC:
Linear combination of an emissions term and a temperature term:
$$ r[t] = r_E[t] + r_T[t] $$with:
$$r_{E}[t] = - \phi \left(E[t] C[t] \right)$$\begin{equation} \label{eq: temperature reward} r_T^i[t]= \begin{cases} 0:& T_{low} \leq T_{obs}^i \leq T_{high} \\ -\theta \min [(T_{low} - T_{obs}^i[t])^2, \; (T_{high} - T_{obs}^i)^2]: & \text{otherwise} \\ \end{cases} \end{equation}where:
The task is to maximise reward (specifically over time horizon $H$) for one year without prior knowledge, historical data or access to the simulator a priori.
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